Links to Other Sites

You may be interested in some other Jewish sites:

As well as articles and speeches by the Chief Rabbi, the site also hosts his Covenant & Conversation pages, with thoughts on the weekly Parasha

Although we are not a United Synagogue, we are under the aegis of the Chief Rabbi

Provides links to other Scottish & Glasgow Synagogues / Sites

If you are interested in the history of Jews of Scotland, then this is the site for you

Our very own ‘Lit’, where like minded members can meet and hear speakers on a variety of topics, usually with a Jewish theme

Presenting a variety of Jewish cultural activities.

Magen David Adom is Israel’s only Medical Emergency Service and Blood Bank which is run on charitable contributions from Jewish communities around the world.  For details click on the logo to the left, e-mail: or visit the website:

Registered Charity Number: 1113409. Company Number: 5718138