
EHC Choir

Civic Service:

  • Ma Tovu
  • Shema Israel
  • Uvenucha Yomar etc…….

Rosh Hashanah

  • Seu Searim
  • Shuva
  • Ubershofar Gadol etc…….

Yom Kippur

  • Kol Nidre
  • Venisalach
  • Vayomer etc….

Musaph Kippur

  • Berosh Hashana
  • Uteshuva
  • Ein Kitzva etc….

Remembrance Day

  • Zacharti Lach
  • Adon Olam
  • Ma Tovu etc….
EHC Choir
Ein Kitzvah
Besepher Chaim
Berosh Hashanah
Zacharti Lach
Kadosh Ata

Shul Choir Enquiry Contact Form

Please fill out the form below to make an enquiry

Shul Choir Contact

From time to time we would like to be able to update you by email about EHC news and activities. Your details will be stored securely and you can withdraw your consent for us to use your information, or ask us to amend or delete your details, at any time by emailing: ehc.message@gmail.com  

Please tick the box below to let us know you do wish to receive these

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